Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Thing #21

I thought that Thing#21 was interesting. I liked the WebJunction article. We use to have a "floating inservice" day for teachers/staff at our school district. We had classes on technology for some of the choices. Several of the classes were multiple sessions. On the first session we taught the new technology. On the second session we allowed the staff members to be project to do that used the technology taught at the previous session. This allowed people to not only see how people were using the technology but if any problems occurred there was someone there to help them solve the problem.

I had some issues adding the Ning Badge. I was successful after reading the hint regarding adding the >embed to the html string.

I will definitely spend more time with all of these Things this summer. Right now I feel that I am aware of most of the new technology but would struggle to with some of the items. I was recently able to help a student with her blog and I was proud of myself and she was thankful that I knew how to help her.

I may have to work more on #21 but I can't remember my password for Ning and our school email filter will only allow me to see the reset password email in the next day.

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